Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Julie of the Wolves (***)

Julie leaves her abusive husband and drunken step father when she is only 13. She sets out to San Fransisco, were her pen pal, Amy lives. On the way she befriends a pack of wolves and lives off of their kill. Her father, whom she had believed to be dead for years she finds running a dog sled town. She is hurt by his betrayal and does not stay for long. She learns the language of the wolves whom had helped her survive the long winter and the cold tundra.

This book is 170 pages long. I'll give it three out of five stars (***)

by, Jean Craighead George

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sisterhood Everlasting (****)

Sisterhood everlasting is the fourth book of the Traveling Pants series, which is about the septembers', four girls who all knew each other from birth, adventure with a pair of pants that seemed to have the magic to keep the girls together when they spend their first summer apart. Beatrice, Bee, is wild, carefree, and beautiful. Carmen, Carma, is an average girl who is selfish, yet at the same time, selfless. Lenny, Len, is beautiful, tall, has large feet, is quiet and reserved, and a artist. Tabitha, Tibby, is small, has mousy brown hair, she is quiet, and seems to always have some sort of problems in her life, from the trajetys of Bailey, to smaller things like loosing something. Ann Brashares spins four wonderful novels, about four wonderful summers, of four wonderful friends.

This book is 349 pages long. I'll give it a four out of five stars (****).


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Divergent (****)

This book is about a futuristic sociaty where there is different groups that discribe your certain personality. Beatrice's test results turn up odd, she is a divergent, and no one is explainig what it is. She picks dauntless, much to her father's displeasure, but her mother is smiling, why? She meets her trainer, Four, who is stony and expressonless, but as she begins to get to know him better, Tris begins to have second thoughts on her trainer...

COMMENTS: this book has action, romance, with suspensful moments, I finished this book in roughly five hours. I literlly could not put it down!!!

This book is 496 pages long. I'll give it four stars (****).
I recomend this book for grades 6 and up.

DIVERGENT By, Veronica Roth

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Adventures of Nanny Piggins (**)

Written by, R. A. Spratt
Illustrated by, Dan Santat

This book is fun, but much more enjoyable for younger kids in the age range of four to eight, so I did not like it very much. It is about a sugar-crazed pig who serves as a nanny for three children, Samantha, Michael, and Derek, they go on many adventures together, compete with other nannies, and even get caught in a fierce storm on a small sail boat out at sea. Their father, Mr. Green, neglects the children and prefers not to talk to them at all, so he is happy to find a nanny who charges ten cents an hour, when normally the nannies he finds, or come knocking at their door charge much more than that. The children are very well behaved, but are delighted to find that their new nanny allows them to eat chocolate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She allows them to stay up as long as they can remain awake, or she can, and lets them play mud people in their father’s rose garden.
This book is 239 pages long. I’ll give it two out of four stars (**). (this book my mom got this book before it was published so the art may not be final.)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tiger’s Voyage (****)


Kelsey finally gets Ren back and Kishan is more jealous than ever. Then Kelsey figure out Ren forgot who she was, and it also hurts to touch her. She is devastated, but she will never give up. So Ren agrees to try and date her again during their third quest for Durga’s necklace. But soon Ren tells her to give up, he doesn’t care for her. He also tells her things are too complicated and that she should love Kishan. Kelsey feels fiery anger, but also terrible sadness. So she asks Kishan out and soon finds that she is happier with him, or at least she wants to believe, how will this mess turn out, will they find Durga’s necklace or will they return home empty-handed, will they even return at all?

This book is four out of five stars (****). This book is 542 pages long.

Tigers Quest (****)


Kelsey leaves for Oregon and finds Ren has given her a large home, credit card, new cell phone, and a super nice car. She finds she is missing Ren a lot, and always has dreams about him. So she decides to date other boys. After dating three of them Ren surprised her and comes at Christmas to live in the house adjoining hers. At first she is mad, but how can you not forgive the love of your life? Well, soon Kishan comes along too, and things finally are beginning to work out, and Kelsey is more in love with Ren than ever. But good times never last do they?

This book is 479 pages long. I’ll give this book four out of five stars (****).

I love everything about this series, it keeps you on edge, and you can’t easily figure them out. I highly suggest this book to anyone who likes Indiana Jones and a little bit of fairy tale, along with Indian myths and culture would love this book!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Wonderstruck (****)

Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick

Ben’s mom died and he never knew his father, so when he was about to phone a listed number for a person named Danny which was scratched on a bookmark for Kincaid’s, a bookstore with a black cat in the window, a bolt of lightning struck the house and the only thing that was ruined was his hearing. So he runs away from the hospital he was lodged at and takes a bus to NYC, where the address for Danny’s apartment was, but no luck. So he decides to try Kincaid’s, maybe they will remember Danny, but when he gets to Kincaid’s the answer is obvious, Kincaid’s is out of business, but where would he find his father? Read the book to find out. But wait! Within Ben’s story is another one, of a deaf girl finding her way in life and has two divorced and hearing parents, who is she? Will Ben ever find out? You should get started soon; the publishing date is September 13, 2011!

This book is 640 pages long. I’ll give it four out of five stars (****)! The genre of this book is realistic fiction.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Tiger's Curse (*****)

The Tiger's Curse
By, Colleen Houck

This book I could not put down. It is an action filled romance from a quirky teenage girl’s point of view. Kelsey gets a two week job at the circus that is in town. Her two jobs are to walk the dogs and to feed the tiger whose name is Diren. She finds she has a special connection with Diren and so she spends almost all of her free time with the tiger. She reads to him and asks him questions, even though she knows he can’t answer. Then a business man named Mr. Kadam comes and makes an offer to buy Diren. Kelsey is devastated. What will she do without her Tiger? Then Mr. Kadam offers a job to Kelsey. The job is two months in India to transport Diren to a tiger reserve. Kelsey of course accepts. She flies first class in a private plane belonging to Mr. Kadam. She is very curious about India and why Mr. Kadam’s wealthy employer wants Diren so much. Read the book to find out why Mr. Kadam says Kelsey and Diren are both so special.

This book is five out of five stars (*****)! This book is 402 pages long.
*recommended for grades seven and up!*

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Farther You Run (***)

The Farther You Run
By, Davida Wills Hurwin
The farther you run is a short read about two girls who have two totally different problems with their lives. Samantha’s best and only good friend died a few months ago and she isn’t taking it easily. There is no one she feels she can truly talk to, no one to tell her thoughts and feelings, her dreams and secrats, gossip, and absolutely no one to go to dance class with, so why go alone?
Well, Mona has some troubles of her own. Her mother is bipolar and growing up has been hard, a long list of new schools and different “friends”. So she has basically and opens herself up to no one and makes no attempt of being good in her English class, which she has to redo because she knows she will gone soon anyways.
Then they met. Samantha likes Mona, who can make her laugh like Jules did and they become friends right away. Mona likes Sammie, she understands about her mother, but doesn’t show disgust or make her a pity-friend. She treats Mona like she wants to be treated, no different than anyone else. They get an apartment together and do fine the first two months, but it is rounding the anniversary to Jules death and life is becoming more difficult and she and Mona’s friendship are to be falling apart quickly. Can they tell each other the truth and begin to become better friends than before, or will they both fall apart and be left with scars and vulnerable? Read the book to find out.
This book is 217 pages long. I’ll give it three out of four stars (***).
*recommended for grades 7 and up!*

Friday, August 12, 2011

Forever (***)

The wolves of Mercy Falls are going to be hunted. Two people were killed by them in three years. Not good on their part. The man leading the hunt has a large room stuffed full of his game. Not good either. Grace has been in and out of wolf form uncontrollably so she has to be locked in the bathroom. What Grace wants is to run. To be free. Not locked in a tiny bathroom that reeks like humans. Not good on her part. Sam knows that she dislikes it, but he would rather have her be uncomfortable than in the risk of dying. Isabel and Cole are falling in love like Sam guessed.

I liked that this book wraps up the story well and has a good strong plot line. Another thing I liked is that the end isn’t entirely hunky-dory. What I didn’t like was that a lot of things were predictable. Another thing I didn’t like was that the book was super fast getting into the good parts. In some cases that is good, but sometimes I do not like that.

This book is 386 pages long. I’ll give it three out of four stars (***).

By, Maggie Stiefvater

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Science Fair (***1/2)

Science Fair is about the Hubble Middle School's science fair and what one kid, Toby, does to try to save it. When a small country tries to take revenge on the united states for the oddest reason, but with a cruel punishment, can he save it in time? Read the book to find out.

Science Fair is 400 pages long. I'll give it three and a half out of five stars (*** 1/2).

Science Fair
by, Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Incarceron (****)

Claudia will soon be wed to the terrible prince Casper, who shouldn't even be a prince. She will move to the castle and be even moremisreble then before. She wishes she could escape to somewhere else and be free.
Finn knows he wasn't born in Incarceron, or that he has been here all his life. He has haunting memories of an old life somewhere else, of a cake and singing, small things that wouldn't seem to matter to someone who sees the stars.
Then they each find a key in which they can talk to each other through and see each ther as well. Read the book to see if Claudia can escape the marrige and Finn can escape Incarceron.

52 pages long. I'll give it four out of five stars (****)

by, Catherine Fisher

Friday, August 5, 2011

Chasing Redbird (***)

Zinny Taylor lives in a house with six siblings and her parents, right next door in a sort of adjoining town house, her uncle lives. ziinny hates being mistoke for her sisters, she hates being asked, "Which one are you,"and then, "Taylor I mean."
She wants to be known for something, when she begins to start uncovering an abandoned path, which she found was named Bybanks-
Chocton Trail Bacause it started at the town of Bybanks and ended at the town of Chocton. The only reason she found out was because she found a map of the trail when she asked a historion and then made a copy of it. Read the book to find out if she ends up recovering the whole thing.

This book is 261 pages long. I'll give it three out of five stars.

Chasing Redbird
by, Sharon Creech

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (****)

This book is about four girls who call themselves the Septembers. Tibby is the small one, Karmen is the one who always seems to do everything wrong, Lenny is the "invisible" one, and Beatrice is fearless. These entirely different girls have been friends all their life, no literally. They were all born within a week of each other and their mothers knew each other from the start of their pregnancy. They have never left each other for their lives, so when they spend the summer apart for the first time ever the week before they find the traveling pants, they fit all of the girls perfectly, but do they have the magic to keep them together, even when times get tough? Read the book to find out!

This book is 290 pages long. I'll give it four out of five stars (****)!

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
by, Ann Brashares

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Six Rules of Maybe (***)

This was an okay book about a girl named Scarlett who tries to help everybody and make everybody happy. Then Juliet, her older sister, comes home with a husband, a dog, and a baby. Scarlett and her mother were so shocked neither of them knew what to do with Juliet, her mother was concerned with Juliet, who hadn't told them when she got married, she had been foe six months. Read the book to see how this odd family turns out in the end.

This book was nine hours and fifty-two minutes. I'll give this book three out of five stars (***).

The Six Rules of Maybe
by, Deb Caletti

Matched by, Ally Condie (****)

Matched is about a girl named Cassia whom lives in a society where the citizans make no choices, at any point after a girl or boy turns seventeen they will be called to go the matching banquet where they will recieve a match. The only people do not get matches are the Abberations (law breakers) and single (men or women who are chosen to be a single for life). Everyone in the society have three pills, a blue one, to cure sickness, a green one, to relieve stress, and a red one , but nobody knows what the red will do, will it kill you? Will it knock you out? Will it make you forget? But nobody knows.
A few days after Cassia turns seventeen she gets called to prepar for the matching banquet she gets to rent her choice of a dress and picks a green silk one to match with her eyes. On the night of the matching banquet she sits next to her childhood friend, Xander. Read the book to find out who she is matched with and who she falls in love with...
This book is 366 page s long. I will give this book a four out o ffive stars (****)!!!

by, Ally Condie

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hero (***)

This book is about a boy named Billy whose father dies on a secret mission for the US president. He decides to go visit the field where his father died. He finds that it is miles back to any town. He meets a mysterious old man who tells him that he trained Billy's father, but his father never completely trusted him. Then he tells Billy that now Billy has the magic then quite suddenly the man disappeared. So Billy runs after him. He felt a lot of wind and then suddenly he was in the middle of New York. Read/listen to the book to find out more.

This book is 5 hours long. I'll give this book three out of five stars (***).

HERO by, Mike Lupica

Sunday, April 10, 2011

No Passengers Beyond This Point

This book is about three kids who lose their house to the bank because their mom couldn't pay the taxes. They have to go their uncle Red's house,who they can't even remember and he lives in the middle of Colorado. They end up landing in a strange place called Falling Bird where a pink feathered taxi picks them up. They find out the driver is fourteen years old, and that the age you can get your drivers licence at is twelve. When they arrive everybody knows everything about them. On large screens it shows the life of India, age fifteen, Finn, age thirteen, and mouse, age six. They are taken to their dream house with their dream parents and everything they ever wanted to have, from cats to mice to dogs to whole rooms just for trying on clothes! They think that they have everything could ever need until the next morning when they tumble down a large tunnel and find themselves on a quiet street. All but Finn, first Finn is taken to a high building where a guy named Sparky offers him a job in Falling Bird. India is separated and becomes a welcomer, a person who welcomes new people. Find out if they make it out of Falling Bird.

This book is hours and 6 minutes. I'll give this book a three out of five (***)

No Passengers Beyond This Point by, Gennifer Choldenko

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chains (*****)

Isabel's master has just died of a illness, where will she and Ruth go? When her mistress's only living relation, a man called Mr. Robert came to see her burial, he took her and her youger sister Ruth with him, planning to sell them at a slave auction. When stoping at a tavern to eat, a kind African American cook gave them a meal and drink for free and told them she had knew their mother, who had died of illness, and wondered who the were with. When Mr. Robert called the two girls over they saw and man and his wife standing with him. They were going to be bought, the cook rushed over to offer to buy the girls, but the deal was done. Read the book to find out about their new life.

This book is 313 pages long. This book definatly earns a five out of five stars! (*****)

Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Life in Pink and Green (***)

When Lucy recieves the letter saying that the mortages have not been payed for several months, Lucy knows that something is wrong. She wants to find a way to help so she starts to do make up. Read the book to find if Lucy really does save the store.

This book is 267 pages long.It is three out of five stars(***).

Gathering Blue (****)

Kira wants to find blue. So she can finish the singing robe, so she can make them think she was worth saving. She wonders what happened to her father. They all say he was eaten by the beasts, but when the old women told her there was no beasts and nor would there ever be Kira coulden't help but wonder. When she watched mother die from a sudden sickness Kira is left with little food and possesiens to call her own. When Vandara acuses her and says that she is weak and can do nothing she says that she can weave, she shows them the tiny scrap of cloth. Read more to find out what happens to Kira.

This book is 215 pages long. I'll give it four out of five stars (****.)

Gathering Blue
by, Lois Lowry

Also Known As Harper (***)

When Harper lee's mother loses her job everything spins out of control. They lose their house, and many of their things. so Harper's mom brings her and her little brother, Hemingway to stay at the Knotty In deluxe Moter Hotel, and trust me it is not as nice there as it seems. Then Harper meets Lorraine who lives in tent and is just as poor as Harper. Lorraine does not speak, it is not that she can't it is that she will not speak. Her brother said ever since the fire that burned her house down she would not speak. She refuses to use the color orange and her mother puts name tags on everything, hoping that Lorraine will get her words back. Read the book to find out more.

This book is 243 pages long. I'll give it four out of five stars (***.)

Also Known as Harper writen by, Ann Haywood Leal

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Wrinkle in Time (***)

When the odd visitor introduced herself as Mrs. Whatsit Meg and her mother did not know what to think. So they did the polite thing to do, they got her some tea and made her a sandwich. After that night it all changed. Meg and Charles took Fortinbras (the dog) out for a walk and came across Calvin (whom Meg didn't think very much of.) Together they went on a dangerous journey, meet strange creatures, and tryed to rescue Meg and Charles's father in the middle of it.

This book is 211 pages long. I gave it three out of for stars (***.)

A Wrinkle in Time by, Madeleine L'engle

Shiva's Fire (***)

This book is about a girl named Parvati who has a gift to dance. Right when she was born a terrible storm broke out and the sky turned green. Then it turned into a cyclone and roused the elephants who broke free from their chains and trampled Parvati's father killing him. the cyclone ruined their house and many many others. It killed people, chickens, water buffalo, dogs, elephants, monkeys, birds and many other innocent creatures. When she was eight she went to the river with a basket of laundry and was found surrounded by many, many types of animals, fish, and birds. when she was ten she danced in fire until her mother saw, her and pulled her out. To her mother's surprise she wasn't bunt at all. She could talk to animals.
and she remembered her whole life, since the day she was born. This book takes place in India.

This book was 270 pages long. I gave this book three out of five stars (***.)

Shiva's Fire by, Suzanne Fisher Staples

The Giver (*****)

This book is about a boy named jonas. He is assigned to a job called the reciever of memories. His trainer is an elder who wants him to call him the Giver, and so he begins to give him good memories and terrible painful grusome ones. Read the book to find out what they were.

This book is 179 pages long. I'll give it five out of five stars (*****.)

The Giver by, Lois Lowry

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Choke (***)

This book is about a boy named Beck who lives with his uncle and 3 servants in a mansion. Well, mansion is an understatement. More like a castle, with five stories, plus an attic and a basement. This is the second book to a series. The first one is called Pillage and I very much recommend that one, too. When Beck finds the last dragon egg a white dragon hatches from it. She was so beautiful that he and his two friends name it Lizzie, after queen Elizabeth (because a stranger tells them that she is a queen.)

This book is 327 pages long. I will give it three out of five stars (***.)

Choke by Obert Skye

Grimm Legacy (****)

In this book a girl gets picked by her social studies teacher to work at a thing called the library. When she arrives her test is to sort buttons. At first it all seems very odd, but as she got used to people putting tea sets on hold and renting shoes it seems that anything is possible. When she gets put to a second test to see if she is fit for a key to somthing called the Grimm Legacy, and passes, she finds that indeed anything is possible...

This book is 325 pages long. I gave it four out of five stars because I could not put this book down. It is action packed. I suggest it for ages 11+ only.

Grimm Legacy by, Polly Shulman

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Finders Keepers Place (**)

This book is about a girl named Esther and her little sister Ruth's life with their mom, Valley. Their mom smokes, doesn't go to her job as required, and is constantly remodeling the house (which costs a lot of money in which they do not have.) One time her mom knocks out the main support walls and the ceiling falls in. It almost kills Ruth, who is about eight years old. Valley tried to tell the sisters that their father died when they were very young, but they think that he left them to go live somewhere else.

I gave this book two stars out of five stars (**) because I think that it lingered too much on simple unimportant things. Like trying on a skirt, or eating a sandwich, and many other things similar to this. This book is 259 pages long.

A Finder Keepers Place by, Ann Haywood Leal