Monday, January 17, 2011

A Finders Keepers Place (**)

This book is about a girl named Esther and her little sister Ruth's life with their mom, Valley. Their mom smokes, doesn't go to her job as required, and is constantly remodeling the house (which costs a lot of money in which they do not have.) One time her mom knocks out the main support walls and the ceiling falls in. It almost kills Ruth, who is about eight years old. Valley tried to tell the sisters that their father died when they were very young, but they think that he left them to go live somewhere else.

I gave this book two stars out of five stars (**) because I think that it lingered too much on simple unimportant things. Like trying on a skirt, or eating a sandwich, and many other things similar to this. This book is 259 pages long.

A Finder Keepers Place by, Ann Haywood Leal

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