Friday, August 12, 2011

Forever (***)

The wolves of Mercy Falls are going to be hunted. Two people were killed by them in three years. Not good on their part. The man leading the hunt has a large room stuffed full of his game. Not good either. Grace has been in and out of wolf form uncontrollably so she has to be locked in the bathroom. What Grace wants is to run. To be free. Not locked in a tiny bathroom that reeks like humans. Not good on her part. Sam knows that she dislikes it, but he would rather have her be uncomfortable than in the risk of dying. Isabel and Cole are falling in love like Sam guessed.

I liked that this book wraps up the story well and has a good strong plot line. Another thing I liked is that the end isn’t entirely hunky-dory. What I didn’t like was that a lot of things were predictable. Another thing I didn’t like was that the book was super fast getting into the good parts. In some cases that is good, but sometimes I do not like that.

This book is 386 pages long. I’ll give it three out of four stars (***).

By, Maggie Stiefvater

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