Sunday, September 16, 2012

Gone (***)

Gone is a about Perido Beach, California.  It focuses on one boy, Sam, a girl, Astrid the genius, and another girl, Lana during a odd phenominon, where everyone fifteen and older disappear.  Soon after everyone disappears, the bullies take over the town.  They call it the FAYZ and they get what they want.  People begin to find that they have talents.. But not ordinary talents, very dangerous talents.  Sam finds that he can shoot fire out of his hands, Lana finds that she can heal wounds, and Astrid's power.. Well no one really knows... Some stuck-up kids from Coates, a school for very smart, but troublesome kids, show up in the FAYZ, and take over.  Their leader is Caine, a handsome and dangerous fourteen year old.  He and the bullies join, and his sidekicks cause uprisings every other day.  His most dangerous is Drake, a merciless fourteen year old with a liking for watching people in pain.  Caine figures out some information about Sam that gets him on the bad side of the FAYZ's leaders.  Astrid, Quinn, Edilo, Sam, and Little Pete, Astrid's brother,  are wanted dead by the FAYZ.  They find that Perido Beach has a barrier, and that animals are changing-rapidly-coyotes are huge and can speak, rattle snakes can fly, cats can disappear, seagulls have tallens, and there is a force called the Darkness that the coyotes take orders from.  Can the band of outcasts save the town from being mercilessly led by Caine and his followers?  Or are they doomed by a certain death from Drake or Caine himself?
This book is 576 pages long.  I'll give it a three out of four stars (***).
by, Michael Grant

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