Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Age of Miracles (****)

The age of miracles is about Julia, a girl growing up in a suburb in California in America's near future when Earth's rotation begins to slow. She goes to school in a small public school and has one close friend, Hanna. Hanna moves to Utah with her family to live in a religious community to wait out the end of the world. Julia is left friendless and lonely. The birds begin dropping dead out of the sky, it gets to the point where teams are established to clean up dead birds from the roads and public areas. Then the magnetic field begins to weakon. Julia finds an unlikely companion in Seth Moreno, a boy in her grade, who's mother died of cancer. They help to throw salt water on the beached whales and wait for the spaceship to streak across the sky, which ended up exploding a few thousand miles from earth's surface. Then Julia's mom gets sick with an unidentified illness that the scientists call 'gravity sickness.' She finds her father is cheating on her old piano teacher, Sylvia. Life seems like too much. Then Seth gets the 'gravity sickness' after being exposed to radiation. The world's days lengthen into almost 40 hours. Plants can no longer survive without artifical sunlight. Most of the world lives on the old 24 hour schedule, but some, the rare, called 'real timers' go to sleep when the sun goes down and wake up when the sun rises. They are hated on, laws are suggested, and Sylvia happens to be one. Someone knocks down her tree, breaking her beloved piano, and tearing a hole in her roof, someone graffities her garage, another person tee-pees her front yard. Seth soon moves away to Mexico, where rumors say the radiation is less strong. Seth sends her one email. Julia never hears from him again. She can only hope and hope, but what good is that? She knows in her heart he's gone for good. This book is truly something, through the eyes of a growing-up girl in the heart of a crisis for the whole world.

This book is 288 pages long. I'll give it four out of five stars (****.)

Karen Thompson Walker
Expected publication: June 26th 2012 by Random House

*This is an adult book!! (I know! My 1st one!!)

1 comment:

jenny bo benny said...

Wow, Emma this is a great synopsis of the book. There seem to be some complex themes going on. Your description makes me want to read the book to find out more. Great job!