Sunday, October 16, 2011

Divergent (****)

This book is about a futuristic sociaty where there is different groups that discribe your certain personality. Beatrice's test results turn up odd, she is a divergent, and no one is explainig what it is. She picks dauntless, much to her father's displeasure, but her mother is smiling, why? She meets her trainer, Four, who is stony and expressonless, but as she begins to get to know him better, Tris begins to have second thoughts on her trainer...

COMMENTS: this book has action, romance, with suspensful moments, I finished this book in roughly five hours. I literlly could not put it down!!!

This book is 496 pages long. I'll give it four stars (****).
I recomend this book for grades 6 and up.

DIVERGENT By, Veronica Roth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this book! I decided to add it to my wishlist after I read your review and read it in a couple hours! It is wonderful! I am also in your father's class, so he recommended your blog!