Sunday, November 28, 2010

under the Green Hill (****)

This book has just come out for sale. My mom is the assistant director of all 18 KDL library branches, so when she goes to conferences she brings back advanced reader copies (books that are not for sale yet.) This book is mainly about a girl, Meg, and her three siblings, Silly,Rowan, and James. There is a flu spreading in New York so her parents decide to send them to their great aunt and uncle who they have never met. Her great aunt and uncle live in England. A week before they are going to England her parents get a phone call. When her mom and dad come back into the room they have news, the kids greatest "enemy" named Finn will be going with them to England. Then when Meg and her siblings were about to board the plane rich, snobby Finn and his family bring along another boy named Dickie. Dickie is nice, smart and shy. Finn likes to tease him about his asthma and enhaler. When they arrive at the airport they find a man is waiting there for him. He said his name is Bran and piled the older kids in back and had Silly and James come in the front with him. Read the book to find out what happens next.

This book is 308 pages long. I'll give it four out of five stars (****.)

Under the Green Hill by, Laura L. Sullivan

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