Sunday, October 5, 2008

Return To Gone Away Lake (***)

I just fineshed RETURN TO GONE AWAY LAKE. I thought this book was good because it had very exciting charecters. My favorite charecter is Portia, she is a fun charecter. Her best couison is a bright,sparky boy who is very adventurest and daring.

I would give this book three out of five stars(***). It was 212 pages long.

Two reasons I read this book are: I read the first book and I wanted to read the next book. It's title is GONE AWAY LAKE. Anotherreason is that the title sounded interesting.

Hope you read RETURN TO GONE AWAY LAKE too.

RETURN TO GONE AWAY LAKE By: Elizabeth Enright

2 comments: said...

Dear Emma:

I love your blog! Keep up the great work.

Your friend,

mesfox said...

You're getting some great feedback from people. You should feel honored so many smart people are reading your blog - including me, of course!
