Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tangerine (****)

This book is about a boy who moves to Florida into a town called Tangerine. His name is Paul Fisher, he has a special ability and needs to wear thick glasses according to a serious injury. Apparently it is because he stared into a solar eclipse for too long, but he thinks his parents are hiding something. His brother, Erik, and his dad have a Erik Fisher football dream. His dad ignores him most of the time. He wants to be a soccer player, but at his new school he cannot play because of his glasses. The school, which is basically a whole bunch of portables connected by boardwalks, falls into a sink whole (which no one knew was there) and had to go to another middle school, Lake Windsor, and his mom destroyed the files so he could play soccer. Read the book to find out more.

This book is 294 pages long. I'll give it four out of five stars (****).

Tangerine by, Emma Fox

Monday, May 10, 2010

Wings (*****)

This book is about a girl maned Tamisin and a boy maned Jak.  Tamisin is part fairy, when she was younger she got in trouble for wearing sparkles on her cheeks, they told her to wash it off, but they couldn't.  She had always had pointed ears, and now she grew wings!  Her mother is the queen of the Fey world and her father was a human.  She did not know she was adopted until she grew the wings, her parents were waiting until she was older to tell her.  Read the book to find out about Jak and more about Tamisin.

This book was 307 pages long.  I'll give it five out of five stars (*****), I could not put it down and I also really enjoyed it.

Wings by, E.D. Baker

Sunday, May 9, 2010

13 Treasures (****)

This book is about a girl who has an ability to see magical beings.  Her mom sends her to her grandmothers house to stay for most of the summer because she broke her light in her room because of a incident in which fairies made her seem to be falling, the light was the only thing she could see, so she grabbed it and it broke.  She finds a few books on fairies and in one it gives her tips on how to make her self invisible, she finds that it only makes herself invisible until she talks.  When her dog chases a rabbit into the woods she and the grounds keeper's boy, Fabian, have been forbidden to go into they are forced to.  They see a mysterious girl who they think to be Morwenna, who had gone missing in the woods herself fifty years ago.  Read the book to find out more!

This book is 350 pages long.  I'll give it four out of five stars.  This book just came out in april!

13 Treasures  by, Michelle Harrison