This book is about a rich girl who's father gets killed by bandits while he was out tending to the cattle with some of the other servants. Esperanza, her Mother, her Abula, and the servants are all heartbroken that he got killed. Esperanza's uncle, Tio Luise offers to marry her mother, but her mother refuses to. Finally after Tio Luise on purposely Burns their house down her mother says yes to the proposal. Her mother truly does not want to marry him so she has a plan. They secretly go to the nearest train station and get a ride to America. Read the book to find out more.
This is a Audio book and it is 4 hour and 42 minutes total. I'll give it four out of five stars (****)!
Esperanza Rising by, Pam Munoz Ryan
This is a Audio book and it is 4 hour and 42 minutes total. I'll give it four out of five stars (****)!
Esperanza Rising by, Pam Munoz Ryan